& the slipper still fits

Keep Me Current 3.26.11

Hold on to your seat belts, dear readers, we've got a some intense writer developments.

Have you heard of Pretty Wicked Things? Now you have:

Melissa Marr requests her name be removed from front cover of the anthology

What does this all mean?

Verday's short story, which was to be included in the anthology of 13, featured a m/m relationship. The editor of the anthology, Trisha Telep, who would also retain "writer's credit" on the cover page of the book, ask her to rewrite the story to feature a m/f relationship, saying: "These teen anthologies I do are light on the sex and light on the language. I assumed they'd be light on alternative sexuality, as well."

Now 4 other authors have pulled out in support Verday and her refusal to change the content of her story and the LGBT community. I say bravo to the authors who have chosen their principles over publication. And to those still connected with the publication, I respect your desicion and hope in the future all YA editors can learn from this. The naive part of me still can't believe that such discrimination is happening. The Hobbesian part is just shaking her head.

More crazy?

Lighter notes:

Cassandra Clare is rockin' the Internet with her DSAS treasure hunt. Think too hot for tv, or book-commercial video... And ask her questions here about City of Bones becoming a film.